
MindsDB new interface

2022 · Mindsdb, Design system, Interaction design

After completing the new MindsDB design system, we conducted a heuristic evaluation and identified issues in the MindsDB GUI by testing it, considering user needs, and analyzing heatmaps.
The documentation search bar within the SQL editor was underutilized by users due to its inaccuracy and inefficiency.
The implementation of a non-responsive design caused content overflow outside element borders and resulted in elements with insufficient height.
There were sizing issues, with elements that should have resized to fit content ('hug content') being incorrectly positioned
A strange overflow space appeared while scrolling.
The options for adding files, whether by uploading or importing via URL, were inaccessible and difficult to find for users unfamiliar with the feature.
The 'Remember Me' checkbox on the login page was poorly arranged.
There was no warning or error message when users entered an incomplete email address in the sign-up page's email field.
The execution time was not displayed, and the 'Run' button behaved incorrectly.
Credit card inputs were not handled accurately.

Since our target users are developers who want to create AI and ML-enhanced web applications, as well as business owners and business analysts who aim to augment their databases with AI, our interface needed to be primarily similar to databases tool applications but more intuitive. This ensures that it feels familiar to everyone.
Mindsdb new features

New interface

mindsdb GUI
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features
Mindsdb new features